Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Earworm of the Week


This week's earworm is dedicated almost entirely to New by Paul McCartney. A few weeks ago, our track list at work finally changed and with it, came this song. For the longest, I just listened, then decided I needed to find this song. I thought New was familiar in that it was from a soundtrack. I began my search with the Cornetto trilogy and when that didn't yield results, I attempted the top charts lists on Spotify. When that didn't work, I googled any variation of the lyrics I could remember--even the app where one hums the tune and searches. BUT I COULDN'T FIND THE FUCKING SONG. I was willing to listen through all of Queen's albums. I could see this as one of their off-beat songs, yeah?

But then, no, I would write down all the lyrics during my shift then hunt this bitch down. Only: fast forward two weeks until the song played again. I scribbled the lyrics I could just make out over the sounds of carts and customers ooo-ing and aah-ing over our sales. By the time I was home, the slip of paper with the lyrics had fallen out of my pocket. Thank fuck I focused on the lyrics that time. Which is how I finally found the damn song.

I'd also like to mention, I found a boy band I like! Shout-out to my penpal, Karen, for finding this gem. I knew there were other genres of Korean boy bands, I obviously didn't know how to search properly. What Is Love is their, apparently, 2015 single, but I've been listening to their Spotify profile on shuffle for a while and all their music is delightful. The other two videos, below, are Sia's Elastic Heart and Bidi Bidi Bom Bom . Initially, I was weary of Shia LaBeouf , due to his shenanigans and whatnot, but I really, really like this music video. I mean, Sia hardly ever falls short for me, and I figured Elastic Heart wouldn't be a disappointment as a song, but wooo, that video sure is rad.

The twentieth anniversary of Selena's death was yesterday. If ya'll haven't educated yourselves on who she was, do yourself a favor. Also, watch the Selena film starring JLO. And, you know, listen to lots and lots of her music. I remember watching the film as a kid and becoming enamored with her. Just, blughsd, imagine where Selena's music could have gone. ;A; 


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