Wednesday, March 25, 2015

EOTW: Froot

In no way am I qualified to critique a music album. The amount of film versus music I have indulged in is laughable. I am super guilty of listening to the same artists continuously, until I get tired of the same ol' songs. My music library is a sad little place. I'd like to add new artists--I go to my sister's starred on Spotify--but I'm terrible at searching music. This is why I am a fan of the international lists on Spotify. Actually, I'm on the hunt for new Japanese music that isn't hard rock. The best I've found is this techno/indie playlist on 8tracks. What I want is a band I can follow, buy merch, etc. A lot of popular Japanese artist in the West are Miyavi, Gackt, and The Gazette. So much hard rock!

I was attempting to get into 2NE1 and boyband/girlbands from Korea, but it's not going so well. I'm just not into that type of music anymore. There are a few songs here and there that are nice, but not an artist as a whole.

Back to Marina and the Diamonds. I love the new look! Her Electra Heart vixen was a fabulous character and I'm excited to see what she does with this new album. I like this progression from the Mid-Century into the seventies. I'm attempting to watch the music videos as I type this, but she still seems to be a "rich bitch". I say this with love! I like seeing cohesiveness among album ideals and aesthetics. That's not to say albums/artists who don't follow this aren't at the same level.

EDIT: I'm not noticing a theme among the videos. I.e. the subject of each is drastically different. However, there seems to be a short montage of Marina in glamour attire among all the videos.

Marina looks much more mature now~ In an aged way. Both versions of herself are lovely, but I prefer Electra Heart on a purely aesthetic level. Perhaps, the more videos I watch the more attached I'll become to this "new" Marina?

I've listened to the entire album. As a whole, I like it. A lot. The songs and lyrics are ripe for a seventies inspo. Her voice is still a haunting alto. Unfortunately, I can't tell individual songs apart. My first listen through, I had the music playing background while I surfed the web. For three? four? songs, I was under the impression a single track was playing. Not until I checked, did I find I had been through quite a few. Perhaps, this is because I've only listened twice through?

I guess, the songs aren't different enough to actively tell the difference--unlike Electra Heart. I could easily distinguish between the track list of Electra Heart, regardless if I was browsing the web or focusing solely on the music.

Overall score: ☆.8 // 6.8 out of 10
Release date: March 13, 2015
Top tracks: Can't Pin Me Down, Forget, Better Than That, and Solitaire
Full track list:
1. Happy
2. Froot
3. I'm A Ruin
4. Blue
5. Forget
6. Gold
7. Can't Pin Me Down
8. Solitaire
9. Better Than That
10. Weeds
11. Savages

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