Thursday, December 4, 2014

What's in a Home?

I have a thing for lists. I make 'em for grocery items, makeup, art journals, characters. My lists know no bounds. Naturally, wishlists are the epitome of lists I can make, moreso if they include prices and pictures. My polyvore, etsy, or wanelo are preemo examples. I WANT SO MUCH STUFF. Unless I become a millionaire sometime soon, they're all pipe dreams. Guidelines? Previously, I mentioned an attempt to create a realistic wishlist of to-buy items that are (mostly) affordable. 

I've decided to break them into categories for cleanliness and simplicity and I'm alllll about price versus use. I'm totes willing to cash out more $$$ if I'mma have the item for a while. I sort of have a closet one started, what with the giveaway contest, but house and decor is where I'm startin'. "Home is where one starts from" and all that junk. I've slowly, slowly been creating and adding to my hope chest, most of which I have from my short stint living by myself. Links lead to shop pages.

My interests span about a million genres. If it's bright, kitsch (the more the merrier!), Mid Century, or macabre there's a 98% chance I'mma adore the shit out of it. If it's cute, Japanese, Prohibition era, or cinema related, I'm prolly going to like it. I'd like to think I have some taste. This giraffe faux taxidermy and poodle plate are fuckin' UGLY. Hello, vintage "girl" handheld mirrors and macaroon candles. Don't even know why I like them, but these pom pom flamingos, poodles, and bears are cute as fuck.

I don't know, there's a charm in Mid-Century--true vintage really--knickknacks interspersed with modern "quirky" items and wood. So much wood. I have a thing for textiles and mixing styles. I've yet to master the art of this and sometimes I'm afraid my home will just look tacky. Buh. I don't like theme rooms. A house's decor should have a flow, like a heartbeat. I want to go to my living room then bedroom and recognize this house belongs to the same person. But I digress. 

TLDR; I need to learn to edit and focus on what I really want instead of shit that would look cool or impulse buy, 'cause "it's only four dollars!" I think I'mma need to find a small little apartment to squirrel away in. 

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