Monday, February 2, 2015

Seven Things This Week

Okay, 'kay. Five-out-of-six bloggers do the weekly inspo these days and I'm not about to be any different. BUT, I thought I'd attempt to recap my week and see what I've been focusing on and going from there. And, you know, juzz the blog up a bit. Hopefully, this will prompt me to get out of the sphere of this, this, and that. Every. Damn. Week. Anyway.

I filed taxes this week and have thence been creating a tentative buy list. Mainly, I need a new laptop considering mine is (knock on wood!) going on six? Seven years? I loath to use one of the new Windows 8 OS, but Macs are expensive anddddd they can be finicky in reference to playing Sims. Thus my search began. I've narrowed-ish it down to two, but theoretically I could get a cheaper Mac and use most of my return? Probably not.

HP Intel Core i3

  • 6 gig memory
  • 500 gig hard drive
  • lots o'ports
  • actual! battery! life!
  • Window's OS :(((
  • 5 Hour battery
  • 15.6" display
  • 5.1 lbs :O
  • coral pink!
  • 2 gig ram
  • 16 gigs SSD
  • 8 hour battery
  • Chrome OS
  • Run Linux to unlock full potential. A.k.a Steam
  • 14" display
  • 4.1 lbs

Obvi. there are a lot more I can look into, but for now, I think that's it. Fingers crossed there will be a hella sale when my return comes in. I've also been marathoning Ukulele tutorial videos on Youtube. Surprisingly, Tumblr is an unreliable source for tuts. Tumblr search results are shit if one is oddly specific, sometimes. More things this week:

Goals for next week: draw more! One of my resolutions (hah. yeah, right.) was to draw everyday and so far, I've only popped out the goods twice? since the new year. I've been really wanting to start another art journal, but I'm lazy. And I need paint. :"< I want to learn a new ukulele song, I'm thinkin' Somewhere Over the Rainbow or Beyond the Sea. Hell, I'll prolly relearn the Harry Potter theme song and call it a week. I must persevere! ! ! I really need to add new uke strings to my buy list. Final two: start ハイキュー!! and broaden my music horizons--and by that I mean Kingsley Flood and the Chef soundtrack.